Hennieho dopis všem ... a hlavně extraligovým divákům
Hennie byl potěšen snahou všech na trénincích, které vedl, i diváckou návštěvou na extraligových utkáních s Havířovem a rozhodl se po bezpečném návratu domů do Enschede, kam všichni tři naši holandští přátelé dorazili v průběhu pondělního odpoledne, napsat dopis všem v klubu i korfbalovým příznivcům. Ten vám nyní přinášíme!
Ahoj attendence of Prostejov,
After spend three weeks in Prostejov I am back home. In this three weeks I meet wonderfull people. I could live during that time in an furnitured apartment. Even a PC was in Dutch installed for me, so I could mail with my family in Holland.
Give training, with there own traininers, children from SK RG Prostejov was for me every time a pleasure. They did there best and hopefully they learn something.
Of course the selectie did there best. After Kolin and Znojmo we got 2 points. The result against these two clubs was good.
I feel, even so the players and reserve, in the first home match against Havirov a good result was possible. It wasn’t we but the public helped us a lot to winn the first game.
It was also fine that a large attendance were coming after many publications.
I hope we did something back in the second game. There were many beautifull scores and the team enjoyed it to play as they did.
At 7 november the 1st team have to play against Ceske Budejovice. I can not be there. Thats why I am asking you give them the support they deserve. Togeteher we, they, will be stronger to help them, to winn this two matches also. I hope you will shout, to help them to victory over CB.
Regards to all
Hennie Baas
P.S. I will be back at 17 November, NASHLEDANOU
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